
Manage quality gates, including conditions and project association.


Copy a Quality Gate.:

sonar.qualitygates.copy_quality_gate(id=2, name="Sonar Way (for test)")

Delete a Quality Gate.:


Create a Quality Gate.:

sonar.qualitygates.create_quality_gate(name="Sonar Way (for test)")

Rename a Quality Gate.:

sonar.qualitygates.rename_quality_gate(id=6, name="Sonar Way (for Test)")

Add a new condition to a quality gate.:

sonar.qualitygates.create_condition_to_quality_gate(gateId=6, metric="new_coverage", error="80", op="LT")

Delete a condition from a quality gate.:


Update a condition attached to a quality gate.:

sonar.qualitygates.update_condition_to_quality_gate(id=35, metric="new_coverage", error="60", op="LT")

Search for projects associated (or not) to a quality gate.:

projects = sonar.qualitygates.get_qualitygate_projects(gateId=2)

Set a quality gate as the default quality gate.:


Get the quality gate status of a project:

qualitygates_status = sonar.qualitygates.get_project_qualitygates_status(projectKey="my_project", branch="master")

Get a list of quality gates:

quality_gates = sonar.qualitygates.get_quality_gates()

Associate a project to a quality gate.:

sonar.qualitygates.select_quality_gate_for_project(projectKey="my_project", gateName="MyJavaGate827")

Remove the association of a project from a quality gate.:


Display the details of a quality gate.:

qualitygate1 = sonar.qualitygates.show_quality_gate(name='Sonar Way (for Test)')


qualitygate2 = sonar.qualitygates.show_quality_gate(name="Sonar Way (for Test)")

Get the quality gate of a project.:

quality_gate = sonar.qualitygates.get_quality_gate_of_project(project="my_project")